Monday, June 16, 2008

They're Back!

Hello everyone!
Rachel and My dad got home last night from their trip to europe. They went to Denmark, England, Scotland, and Germany. THey had an awesome time. And they brought home lots of yummy chocolate!!!!! haha yeah so we've been eating a lot of yummy stuff for the past 24 hours. yum! And then this morning my dad left on a business trip! This will be the 3rd week he's been gone in a row! my poor mom! But he'll come home on saturday and then be home for 2 weeks which will be cool.

McKay is doing his play the king and I and has been having a good time. He leaves at like 5:30 and doesn't get back till 11:30. So it's a long night but it's a cool experience for him. He has to dye his hair black, and it's pretty funny to see him in his make up!!! haha

Me and Lindsay have just been hanging out. Well she's working, but we have just been hanging out and walking at night it's way fun!!!
So that's what's going on at the moment in our lives!!!

Love, Sarah